
Shock Absorber Tube Length Checking Fixture

DRO Base system with Glass Scale to check verity of shock absorber Tube Length after welding of Cap

Range: 1000 mm

Least Count: 0.001Accuracy : 0.010mm

Shock Absorber Assembly Length Checking Fixture

To Check length of Shock Absorber Assembly in compress & Expand condition by using DRO & Magnetic Scale

Least Count: 0.010 mm

Accuracy: 0.010 mm

Range : 1000 mm

Crankshaft Dowel Pin Pressing Fixture

This is PLC controlled SPM to press dowel in crankshaft.

Issue: Operator requires more time to press dowel in to crankshaft by hammering on dowel pin. After pressing dowel operator trigger wheel by tighten three screws. No feedback of tighten torque & He will missed out to tighten all screws.

Solutions: We provide solution with Auto Dowel Pressing Machine with rotating facility & Torque feedback. Also provide Poke-Yoke to eliminate of missing of screw tighten.